Comments on: Tim Ferriss schools Aristotle by breaking down the failed New Year’s Resolution Time-saving reflections on lifehacking, social media, and technology. Mon, 30 Dec 2013 18:20:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Smart Company Software Smart Company Software Sun, 19 Feb 2012 11:30:09 +0000 Tim has some interesting ideas in his book. I eat paleo, so I avoid processed food. I occasionally eat grains but not very often. Some of Tim's points I don't agree with. I don't have a cheat day, I just cheat occasionally, say when I go out for a celebration meal. Paleo has really made a difference to my health. I wasn't unhealthy before, but I do feel much better now that I did prior to eating paleo. Even if you don't always agree with Tim's advice, it certainly makes you look at your health from a different perspective. Tim has some interesting ideas in his book. I eat paleo, so I avoid processed food. I occasionally eat grains but not very often. Some of Tim’s points I don’t agree with. I don’t have a cheat day, I just cheat occasionally, say when I go out for a celebration meal. Paleo has really made a difference to my health. I wasn’t unhealthy before, but I do feel much better now that I did prior to eating paleo.

Even if you don’t always agree with Tim’s advice, it certainly makes you look at your health from a different perspective.

By: Tweets that mention - Tim Ferriss schools Aristotle by breaking down the failed New Year’s Resolution -- Tweets that mention - Tim Ferriss schools Aristotle by breaking down the failed New Year’s Resolution -- Sat, 22 Jan 2011 16:57:52 +0000 [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Adam Singer, Success Connects. Success Connects said: Thanks! RT @adamsinger Tim Ferriss schools Aristotle by breaking down the failed New Year’s Resolution cc @tferriss [...] [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Adam Singer, Success Connects. Success Connects said: Thanks! RT @adamsinger Tim Ferriss schools Aristotle by breaking down the failed New Year’s Resolution cc @tferriss [...]

By: Jared Goralnick Jared Goralnick Thu, 20 Jan 2011 18:49:22 +0000 Jay, I've officially lost all street-cred for my once-upon-a-time philosophy degree. I do think that today's step-by-step prescriptions are a little different in their clarity than the Ancient Greeks, but you're right about the specifics being there. It's easy sometimes to forget that rarely is the advice we come across new. Instead the best talent these days is in the curation of which advice and insight we surround ourselves with, old and new. I look forward to more of your insight from time to time! Jay, I’ve officially lost all street-cred for my once-upon-a-time philosophy degree. I do think that today’s step-by-step prescriptions are a little different in their clarity than the Ancient Greeks, but you’re right about the specifics being there.

It’s easy sometimes to forget that rarely is the advice we come across new. Instead the best talent these days is in the curation of which advice and insight we surround ourselves with, old and new.

I look forward to more of your insight from time to time!

By: Jay Phillips Jay Phillips Thu, 20 Jan 2011 06:14:04 +0000 Playing the obligatory Aristotelian troll, I'd like to point out that Aristotle's exercise habits were fantastic. Even in specifics! :) Aristotle and his students at Lyceum became known as the Peripatetics because of their way of having a philosophical lecture or conversation while walking outside on pathways. The idea of a carb probably didn't fit well into Empedocles' theory of five elements that Aristotle promoted but his virtue of temperance, i.e. resisting desires for the natural appetites to which we are prone to succumb, probably did as good a job as anything can at encouraging someone to manage one's diet. Playing the obligatory Aristotelian troll, I’d like to point out that Aristotle’s exercise habits were fantastic. Even in specifics! :)

Aristotle and his students at Lyceum became known as the Peripatetics because of their way of having a philosophical lecture or conversation while walking outside on pathways. The idea of a carb probably didn’t fit well into Empedocles’ theory of five elements that Aristotle promoted but his virtue of temperance, i.e. resisting desires for the natural appetites to which we are prone to succumb, probably did as good a job as anything can at encouraging someone to manage one’s diet.

By: Jared Goralnick Jared Goralnick Wed, 19 Jan 2011 17:51:58 +0000 Thanks, Art! I wish you much luck in the chocolate long as you give in enough to let Leslie offer me those trademark cookies next time I'm in town! Thanks, Art! I wish you much luck in the chocolate diet…so long as you give in enough to let Leslie offer me those trademark cookies next time I’m in town!

By: Art Jacoby Art Jacoby Wed, 19 Jan 2011 16:17:47 +0000 great review! the points are practical and right on. I've been eating way too many sweets for many years and it wasn't until I set the goal of "one treat a day" did the sugar consumption go down (I've been a reformed chocoholic for 10 days now). The competitive side is provided by my wife Leslie who rarely eats sweets so I'm trying to mimic her diet somewhat. Radical change IS difficult! great review! the points are practical and right on. I’ve been eating way too many sweets for many years and it wasn’t until I set the goal of “one treat a day” did the sugar consumption go down (I’ve been a reformed chocoholic for 10 days now). The competitive side is provided by my wife Leslie who rarely eats sweets so I’m trying to mimic her diet somewhat. Radical change IS difficult!
